Monday, 8 April 2013


Dear fellow trainers wherever you may be,

I am fortunate for having undergone several train the trainer courses in the last fifteen years or so conducted by both local (Malaysian) as well as international sifus as follows:-

1. Dr. Tarcisius Chin (Malaysia)
2. Dr. Cheah  (Singapore)
3. Mr. Michael Podolinsky (USA)
4. Mr. Mark Skinner (UK)
5. Ms Cheri Holland (New Zealand)
6. Ms Joy Bernard (Australia)
7. Mr Terry Gould (Australia).

On reflection, all the investments I made have paid off handsomely in terms of my effectiveness as a trainer. Effectiveness for a trainer means we have successfully made three things in the learners:-

  • They understand
  • They remember
  • They can apply.
I urge you to attend a TTT under HRDF (organised by eight training providers including the Institute of Management - MIM) or Certified Professional Trainer (organised by the Malaysian Institute of Management). They not only award you a recognised certificate but also a skill that will catapult you to new heights within the profession.

The HRDF TTT offers the following topics:-

  1. Adult Learning Principles
  2. Training Needs Analysis
  3. Designing Training
  4. Delivering Training
  5. Assessment of Trainees.
The TTT HRDF is normally held over five days and conducted by one trainer. As far as I know there are currently only eight providers authorised by HRDF in Malaysia. Normally assessment of your competency (or non competency) is done by way of  individual presentations on the fifth day.  The passing mark is 75%. A typical HRDF assessment form is attached below for your guidance.

The MIM CPT offers the following topics:-
  1. Adult Learning Principles
  2. Training Needs Analysis
  3. Designing Training
  4. Delivering Training
  5. Assessment of Trainees
  6. Harrison Profiling
  7. Evaluation of Training
  8. Management Development Outdoor
  9. Managing Training Function.
There is a project at the end of the instructional session (day nine) which you will have to present on the tenth day. This will determine whether you qualify or not as a CPT.





  • Session Plan                                                                             10%
  • Ice Breaker                                                                              10%


  • Learning Objectives/Outcomes                                               10%
  • Well-structured Content                                                          10%

  • Audio-visuals & Techniques                                                    10%
  • Session Flow                                                                              10%
  • Engaging the Audience                                                             10%
  • Effective Handling of Questions                                               10%
  • Summarised the Session                                                             10%
  • Reviewed Outcomes                                                                    10%
                                                                                     TOTAL             100%         

1 comment:

  1. a lot of organizations need to upgrade their in house trainers - this is one good way
